Tony Yong
Tony has had extensive involvement with family business clients over the past 15 years in industries including professional services, manufacturing, building & construction, retail & wholesale, restaurants, primary production and share trading. Tony is also the operational head of Moyes Yong Co.He believes a key part of his relationship with clients is to assist them in finding the time to better manage their business. Therefore it is essential the client has in place an effective and efficient reporting system as it is only then they will be in a position to work ‘on’ and not ‘in’ the business. Tony also sees it as vitally important that the client’s business is operating in a business structure best tailored to suit their needs. His understanding of tax law as it impacts on family businesses means he can ensure the client is operating through the optimum business model.
His hands-on approach and 'can do' attitude is supported by his genuine interest in the profession and ability to easily translate complex accounting concepts into everyday language. Honest and upfront, he maintains that communication and respect is the key to successful business relationships.
Tony is a member of the Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand in Australia, Fellow of the Taxation Institute of Australia, a Registered Tax Agent and Justice of the Peace.
Directline : 61 2 8256 1125